The vision and priorities for economic development in the Othello neighborhood are based on the Othello Neighborhood Plan update in 2009. On Board Othello has developed the following focus areas to foster a cohesive, inclusive community through new development.

A Strong Sense of Place

Othello will be a welcoming neighborhood business district that highlights and supports its multicultural character. We will have:

  • A unifying brand that creates and fosters an Othello identity
  • Attractive streetscapes with both natural and built structures
  • Clean, safe, pedestrian-oriented streets with green spaces, trees, and visible signage
  • Multiple affordable indoor and outdoor gathering spaces
  • Parks, community centers, performing spaces, & activity spaces

Thoughtfully Designed Development

Othello will attract well designed, quality developments that benefit the existing community and create opportunities for new residents and businesses. We support new developments that:

  • Are cohesive, with a unified look and feel; and aligned with the neighborhood plan and design guidelines
  • Preserve and build upon cultural, ethnic, and economic diversity of residents and businesses
  • Prevent and mitigate displacement
  • Develop mixed-use buildings, maximizing transit-oriented development (TOD) zoning capacity
  • Develop a full range of housing, prioritizing developments which provide affordable, low, and moderate income residents at a range of family sizes. Support developments with opportunities for families to increase income and thrive in place
  • Develop a mix of commercial spaces – such as retail, office space, community center, co-working nonprofit space – at sizes that fit community needs, and are aesthetically desirable
  • Provide expansion and growth opportunities for existing businesses, and attract businesses that are missing and complement existing offerings
  • Include property owners, business owners, tenants, and developers that take ownership over development and have ongoing maintenance plans

Equitable Growth Opportunities

We believe in building Othello as a place of economic opportunity for current residents and businesses, and creating a destination place for all. We support new developments that:

  • Use new development opportunities to strengthen business associations
  • Build on Othello’s retail strengths in food and restaurant services by creating more diverse food offerings to attract broader customer base
  • Provide technical assistance and expansion support for local businesses
  • Provide opportunities that create a continuum for business growth
  • Attract anchor retail, office or professional service tenant
  • Provide living wage jobs and community benefits
  • Agree to ongoing communication and partnership with On Board Othello
  • Grow economic opportunities that benefit the existing community
  • Promote after 5PM retail and public activities